Hey, pretty good work.
''I'm champagne and you are shit'' now that's a fine line.
That movie was fun, and it feels naturally funny, not forced with punchlines and constant repetitions.
Nice little thing you got there 8/10
Hey, pretty good work.
''I'm champagne and you are shit'' now that's a fine line.
That movie was fun, and it feels naturally funny, not forced with punchlines and constant repetitions.
Nice little thing you got there 8/10
A cunning masterpiece!
So much beauty in one flash, how is it even possible?
I dropped a tear when the plot twisted so beautifully, oh the emotion.
This deserves to be in the top 50, at the least.
Nice, way to go that was awesome.
Great work, really.
Loved it, nice art direction, you get a godamn 10!
Sweet mother of crap!
Really really good stuff people, I just hope everyone will understand the meaning of having toad ennemies...
And the Livecorpse cameo was awesome!
Bravo bravo.
Cool, Penguins + buttsex = 10
Yup, I've finished my math classes and it works!
Wow, you're right!
Great job!
Jeez, I had a hard time understanding the complex story but I liked it.
Nice graphics, nice concept, and I especially liked the Smith fries attack.
Awesome work sir!
Awww, I really love you like the sky above!
So awfully cute!
Makes me wanna be a egg painter, or even a child again.
I'll send that to a friend of mine, I'm so sure she'll enjoy it ^__^!
Awesome display of skill, you sir (or lady :) ) deserve an award, truly!
What's that song?
I need it badly, someone help!
Good flash btw, I like how you animated the eyes, good work for a 2 hours project (y) ^___^
I don’t know the who did the song, but it’s a cover of ‘what if god was one of us’. I found it on kazaa…
Impressive, you are sure talented!
Hey Hey!
I really adore this flash movie, it's awesome!
I like how you parodise Final Fantasy, WITHOUT just beign one more blatant sprite movie. You deserve your high score, sincerely.
A fan,
Neo_ExDeath, The three of oblivion.
I'm a ghost, with a gun, how exiting!
Age 37, Male
Useless space-filler
University, whops.
Montreal, Canada
Joined on 1/19/03